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409,900 tourists visited Luanchuan county during the “golden week”

Release time:2018-08-10 Reading times:

From July 30 to August 5, benefited from the one-week temporary policy of free drive on highway and other favorable measures in different scenic spots of Luanchuan county, tourists to Luanchuan county reached a significant boom during the week, which was the first remarkable event of Funiushan Global Geopark after the 2018 evaluation. 

 During the “golden week”, totally 409,900 tourists and 69200 vehicles went to Luanchuan county. On August 4, the tourist number was up to 133,300, exceeding the maximum of 100,000 tourists a day in 2017. Among the scenic spots, Laojunshan Mountain received 43,000 tourists a day and Longyuwan spot received over 7000 visitors, both breaking the records of tourist number. 

 With the increase of tourists, Luanchuan county started the emergency plan to ensure the transportation capacity and tourist reception. Staff from Public Security Bureau and Transportation Bureau of Luchuan county stuck to the scenic spots to offer service to visitors. “Everything is worthwhile as long as you have a good time in Luanchuan” they answered the thanks from tourists. During the tour, Luanchuan people kept their promise that no tourist would sleep on the street or have difficulty in Luanchuan county. Tourists not only enjoyed the spectacular natural scenery and cultural landscapes but also experienced the enthusiasm and high quality service from local people. 

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