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Laojunshan Scenic Spot launched “One-yuan Lunch” in Chinese National Day Holiday

Release time:2018-10-09 Reading times:

During Chinese National Day holiday, Laojunshan Scenic Spot of Funiushan UGGp launched “One-yuan Lunch”, including a bowl of local meat porridge with noodles, a sausage and a steamed bun. On the spot, there are four large pots used to make hot noodles.Tourists can sit around a large round table and eat together.





Gao Hong, deputy general manager of the scenic spot, said that Laojunshan Mountain is high and densely forested with changeable weather. Therefore, it is inconvenient for tourists to eat on the mountain. Seeing that some tourists just eat dry food and drink cold water on a journey, Gao feels quite uncomfortable. The scenic spot was crowded during the National Day Golden Week, so they tried to introduced a “one-yuan lunch” for tourists on the mountainside. Charging one yuan is just to set a threshold, so that people who didn’t need it wouldn’t join in the fun and thus waste could be saved. 





 Gao said: “The food ingredients are local specialties at low cost. They are purchased by ourselves and cooked by our chefs. Therefore, it would not cost much, and the extra cost could be covered by the scenic spot. Allowing tourists to eat a hot meal during National Day holiday also represents the hospitality of Laojunshan Mountain.”



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